Really good city fun

All roads lead to a theater. After big portion of high quality entertainment, sports activity is necessary

Wednesday 3rd of April 2019

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City stages and their diversity are one of the main features of the metropolis. The theater programme, in line with the trends, is enriched by stand-up comedies, and the first Thursday in April is the day when "Nikola Djuricko Stand up show" is scheduled. Teatar na Brdu is the location where two-hour humorous performance begins at exactly 20:00. The acting form for the selected ones suites popular Johnny.

The art scene is an ideal place for traditional dances. When the spotlights are on the "Kolo" Ensemble, there is great enthusiasm in the audience. The unrivaled troupe has been preserving Serbian tradition and nurturing customs since the distant 1948. New socializing and presentation of national dances will be held at the Cultural Center "Vlada Divljan" on Friday, 5th April from 20:00. Even if you have attended their live spectacle many times, it is never the same and you cannot get bored.

Nothing without a rock gig. On Saturday, 6th April at 20:00, the big hall of the Student Cultural Center is taken by the Suuns band from Canada. Since 2007, they have performed at numerous major festivals, and now it is finally time for a debut concert in the capital of Serbia. Ben Shemie, Joe Yarmush, Liam O'Neill and Max Henry will present their views of rock music and connection with other genres they are known for. So far, they have released four studio albums. The last one has provoked great reactions and it is precisely the reason for the premiere visit.

Beogradjanka building is one of the city's major attractions. In this building, officially called the Belgrade Palace, is held the 32nd Race up Beogradjanka on 7th April from 10:00. The legendary 550-step race will bring together men and women of all generations. For the ninth time firefighters will run. Belgrade is the second city in the whole world to organize this kind of sport and entertainment. Perhaps you will not be the first to come to the top of the one of the tallest buildings, but you will have great fun with a great accompanying programme. Sometimes it is more important to take part than to win.