Ladies, happy Women's Day

Today is the International Women's Day

Thursday 8th of March 2018

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Dear ladies, beware of the Women's Day! It is a two-edged sword. Everybody is nice and tender that day. They bring you loads of unnecessary gifts. And flowers, as if it was, God forbid that day. Fortunately, the florist knows how to put an odd number. You will be able to go home from work earlier or the boss will treat you with some congratulation card or improvised entertainment.

And at home ... boyfriend, husband, children, family. They fool you and you feel somehow special. There is no woman who does not give in at least for a second. You know well what is behind the hill, but let it go, let that performance last. There will be jewelry, going out and dinner; smiles and beautiful wishes, the outbursts of every kind of love and respect.

But be smart! Do not let them get away so easily. Kiss your loved ones, give back gifts and surprises, give them more than they expect and what they hope for. Be better, more hardworking, prettier, smarter. Learn, strengthen, cheer and love. Women's Day is your day. Congratulate your boys because they are happy to have, love and respect you.