THINGS TO DO IN BELGRADE - Еvents calendar

Belgrade Irish Fest

The largest art festival dedicated to Ireland

FROM: All day
For more info please visit BIFBIF.

Activity & Experience


The institution of culture of national importance. Founded on 5th August 1949. The idea of ​​founding was the creation of a unique database of film achievements from the countries of the former Yug...

The Museum of the Yugoslav Cinematheque

The institution of culture of national importance. Founded on 5th August 1949. The idea of ​​founding was the creation of a unique database of film achievements from the countries of the former Yug...

The New Bitef Art Cafe is a modern space with a unique concept. The main reason for the existence is to create entertainment in the highest quality way and the previous list of performers indicates...

Novi BitefArtCafe

The New Bitef Art Cafe is a modern space with a unique concept. The main reason for the existence is to create entertainment in the highest quality way and the previous list of performers indicates...